Our fall retreat will be Friday evening, September 9 through Sunday lunch, September 11 at Cozy Acres Campground in Powhatan. There will not be a service held at the church on September 11.


Greetings, brothers and sisters! We are looking forward to the church retreat coming up soon and are passing on some initial information for you now which we will supplement with more details as we get closer to the dates. Please read over the following and feel free to contact the church office if you have specific questions.

When:  Friday PM, Sept. 9-Sunday AM, Sept. 11

Where:  Cozy Acres Campground; 2177 Ridge Rd, Powhatan;   804-598-2470

Theme:  Jesus: The Light of the World; Jesus’ Followers: The Light of the World

Speaker:  Jeff Martin, a former pastor and currently Director of Meno, a recovery ministry in   Cumberland for people struggling with substance abuse issues

Schedule:  Praise/Teaching/Sharing times together on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:30 AM;  Saturday night time together from 7:00-8:30 PM; Saturday afternoon is free time for recreation, fellowship, relaxing, etc.


            Friday night:  We will be together for an informal time of fun and fellowship—and ice-cream!–from 7:00-8:00 or 8:30 PM. We are asking that people bring something creative to share with the group—it could be music, artwork, a reading, personal testimony, story (for adults or children) comedy, or                           something else you think of that will help get the weekend off to a good start.

           Sunday morning:  Please note that there will be no worship service at the PMC church- building on Sept. 11 because of the retreat.

Food:  All 3 meals on Saturday and 2 on Sunday (breakfast and lunch) will be provided.

Everyone coming is asked to bring cookies, brownies, or bars (no cake, please) to use for desserts. Putting individual servings in baggies would be helpful—e.g. 2 cookies per bag.

Breakfasts will be served from 7:00-9:00 AM; lunches at noon; Saturday dinner at 5:00 PM.

What to Bring:  An open, teachable heart; Bible, notebook, sports equipment, games, bathing suit if you want to swim; anything else your family needs.

What to Do:  If you plan to attend but have not signed up yet, please do so by this Sunday, August 28.

Pray for our time together—that we will see Jesus more clearly, grow in our love for one another and our commitment to reach others with the gospel!