Pastor John Engle, 603-933-0141


Send Pastor John an email

Spiritual Leadership Team

  • John Engle, Pastor
  • Nate Landis, Head Elder
  • Ed Ranck
  • Dave Moyer 
  • Les Hughbanks

Sheila Schaefer, Secretary

Sheila Schaefer works part-time as our church secretary. 

She has a heart for women’s ministry and is leader of the Women’s Ministry Team.  She is blessed with creative gifts and uses them to bless our church; teaching the ladies Sunday School class, playing the drum or guitar for worship, and creating flower arrangements. Her amazing artistic skills are in constant demand!  She also enjoys sewing and spending time with family.

The secretary’s office hours are Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. -1 p.m.

Secretary’s office: 804-598-3365

Send Sheila an email




Mailing Address

Powhatan Mennonite Church, P.O. Box 220, Powhatan, VA  23139

Physical Address

3540 Old Buckingham Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139