“Across the street and around the world”

The basic purpose of our educational/spiritual ministry is to provide knowledge of God through His Word, as provided in the Bible. Without this knowledge, we could not truly worship God. Sunday School classes are provided for all age groups from nursery through adult classes.

We take seriously Jesus’ command to make disciples and to carry the gospel message across the street and around the world by reaching out to our neighbors and supporting local and world missions opportunities through prayer,  financial, and physical support.

Some organizations we support and participate in as volunteers:

  1. Virginia Mennonite Missions

  2. Mennonite Disaster Service is a channel through which various constituencies of the Anabaptist church can respond to those affected by disasters in North America. While our main focus is on clean up, repair and rebuilding homes, this activity becomes a means of touching lives and helping people regain faith and wholeness.

  3. Powhatan Coalition of Churches and local food pantry

  4. Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale: First Saturday in October at Rockingham County Fairgrounds in Harrisonburg.

  5. Summer Camps for Children at Highland Retreat Camp and Williamsburg Christian Retreat Camp.

  6. Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child